Thursday 14 February 2013

Sequence Classifiers in C#: Hidden Markov Models

Few days ago I published a new article on CodeProject, about classifiers based on banks of hidden Markov models to accomplish sequence classification.

While I have written about this subject in the past on this very blog, this time the article deals with Gaussian, continuous-density hidden Markov models rather than discrete ones. Plus, at this time the Accord.NET Framework has evolved much since that 2010 post, and the new article reflects most of the improvements and additions in those last two years.

In the meantime, this article is also serving as a hook to a future article, an article about Hidden Conditional Random Fields (HCRFs). The HCRF models can serve the same purpose as the HMMs but can be generalized to arbitrary graph structures and be trained discriminatively, which could be an advantage on classification tasks.

As always, I hope readers can find it a good read :-)

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