Saturday 24 July 2010

New additions to Accord.NET: Computer Vision namespace, Camshift and Viola-Jones Detector

The next version of the Accord.NET Framework will feature two important additions, alongside with a new namespace to accommodate them: The Camshift object tracker and the Viola-Jones object detector. Both will be located inside the new Accord.Vision namespace for Computer Vision algorithms.


Accord.NET Camshift Object Tracker.

Camshift object tracker

Accord.NET Viola-Jone's method for face detection.

Viola-Jones object detector

Additionally, other cool additions include the availability of Multi-class Kernel Support Vector Machines (with support for parallelized learning algorithms), Generic Cross-validation classes for model evaluation and Generic Gridsearch classes for model parameter tuning.

The Linear and Non-linear Kernel Discriminant Analysis implementations have been updated to use the Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition instead of the Eigenvalue Decomposition following a prior matrix inversion. This has cut execution time in nearly half. Other optimizations have also been made to some radial basis Kernel functions, although they are not very noticeable.

The next version of the Accord.NET Framework will be labeled version 2.1.0. There are some interface changes that may break compatibility with older versions. Also the minimum required version of AForge.NET Framework has been leveled up to 2.1.3. You may have to update your assemblies if you wish to upgrade an already existing project.