Sunday 27 June 2010

Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition in C#

For quite some time I have been trying to find a Java or C# implementation of the Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition. I just wanted something simple, that didn’t depend on any external libraries such as BLAS or LAPACK. As I could not find any simple and understandable implementation of this decomposition, I decided to implement one myself.


As Wikipedia says, a generalized Eigen value problem is the problem of finding a vector v that obeys

 A\mathbf{v} = \lambda B \mathbf{v} \quad \quad

where A and B are matrices. If v obeys this equation, with some λ, then we call v the generalized eigenvector of A and B, and λ is called the generalized eigenvalue of A and B which corresponds to the generalized eigenvector v. The possible values of λ must obey the following equation

\det(A - \lambda B)=0.\,

An interesting feature of the generalized eigenvalue decomposition is that it finds the eigenvectors of the matrix B-1A even if B is singular and does not have an inverse. If B is nonsingular, the problem could be solved by reducing it to a standard eigenvalue problem of the form B-1Ax=λx. However, because B can be singular, an alternative algorithm, called the QZ method, is necessary.

Solving the problem using the QZ method is equivalent to computing the Eigen decomposition of B-1A without the need of inverting B, which could be impossible or ill-conditioned if B is singular or near-singular. It is also computationally simpler as it saves the time and memory needed for inverting and storing the inverse of B.


EISPACK is a software library for numerical computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, written in FORTRAN. It was originally written around 1972–1973, based heavily on algorithms originally implemented in ALGOL. Because those algorithms are much more human-readable than their LAPACK counterparts, I decided to port the related functions from EISPACK.

The functions which implement the Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition in EISPACK are called QZHES, QZIT, QZVAL and QZVEC. As their name implies, they use the QZ method for finding the generalized eigenvalues of a matrix pair (A,B).

Source code

The source code is available in the download link in the upper part of this article. It can also be found in the latest versions of the Accord.NET Framework. The algorithm presented in the code is equivalent to the eig(A,B) command of MATLAB.

Because the code has been ported from FORTRAN, many sections of the algorithms have stayed as they appear in their original functions. Please be aware that it may contain lots of labels and goto's, as most structured programming features we take for granted today were not commonplace at the time.

Using the code

Using the code is much simpler than dealing with LAPACK functions. Because the functions have been implemented directly in C#, the code is somewhat more human readable and has also been wrapped in the same nice object-oriented approach as the other matrix decompositions that can be found in MAPACK and JAMA.

Using the given sources, the following MATLAB code:

     [V,D] = eig(A,B)

Becomes equivalent to the C# code:

     var gevd = new GeneralizedEigenvalueDecomposition(A,B);
     var V = gevd.Eigenvectors;
     var D = gevd.DiagonalMatrix;

in the sense that both satisfy the identity A*V = B*V*D .


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